Smallblog demo

A blog about nothing

A nice demo of smallblog

Features overview

Smallblog is made to be very intuitive to use, you just write your Markdown and everything is automatically generated. However, not everyone knows the syntax and there are other features dedicated to more advanced users.

This post aims to help everyone, don't run away if you're not accustomed to Ma...


Markdown syntax demo

Esse sit culpa id ut ex in magna incididunt duis sint. Officia do ipsum aliquip irure tempor adipisicing. Elit do ipsum fugiat proident irure et in reprehenderit commodo excepteur aliquip. Labore mollit et ut enim anim ad proident.

Nostrud est pariatur esse aliqua. Lorem do ullamco sit est. Nisi mi...


No metadata post

This is a post without any metadata. It only contains a title behind a # symbol and this text.

A post which should have a bad preview

This is a post with custom preview, the text inside is note the same as this preview

Lorem ipsum 1

Esse sit culpa id ut ex in magna incididunt duis sint. Officia do ipsum aliquip irure tempor adipisicing. Elit do ipsum fugiat proident irure et in reprehenderit commodo excepteur aliquip. Labore mollit et ut enim anim ad proident.

Nostrud est pariatur esse aliqua. Lorem do ullamco sit est. Nisi mi...
